DIY projects & crafts sourced in the ADK's, mostly.
Bark, twigs, sticks, pinecones, animal fur and more!
Birch Bark
Just an FYI that I NEVER source the bark from a living tree. I know a lot of people do, but I just don't feel right doing that and since there are so many downed birch trees to take from, well there isn't a need to do that.
Birch bark is one of my favorite mediums to use and I plan on using it to decorate our earth sheltered house as well! When we visited the Adirondack museum it was also an experience to see how birch bark has been used throughout history here.
Birch bark is one of my favorite mediums to use and I plan on using it to decorate our earth sheltered house as well! When we visited the Adirondack museum it was also an experience to see how birch bark has been used throughout history here.
Wood from Trees
With 135 acres, there is no shortage of trees to use! Unfortunately so many of them need to go and the wood NEVER goes to waste! If we don't use it for a craft, or building, then it is either used for firewood or to make wood chips! Nothing goes to waste on our homestead!
I am currently in the process of cutting, de-barking, and saving small trees about 2" in diameter and 40" tall to make railings for our new home!
Anything we can source from our land is a bonus in our book!
Anything we can source from our land is a bonus in our book!
I know this is a controversial subject, but we are hunters and we do eat the meat. That is a big part of being self sustainable and homesteading. That said, there is no reason to let the rest of the animal go to waste. That includes the fur, bones, antlers, and whatever else we can find a use for.