Minimizing Debt,Maximizing Savings
Spend less, save more!
This is an absolute must if you really want to live a simpler lifestyle. Paying and managing bills, especially when you live paycheck to paycheck creates a tremendous amount of stress in many peoples lives. The first step here is mindset. I strongly recommend the two books mentioned below that are the two that I feel helped me getting started with this the most. Once you have the right mindset, then you can work on your household budget, decreasing any debt you might have, and of course saving more money.
The two books: "How to survive Without a Salary: Learning how to live The Conserver Lifestyle" by Charles Long and "Keeping it Simple: Sorting out What Really Matters in Your Life" by Gary S. Aumiller (affiliate link). In fact, I think it is important to mention here that the book by Gary Aumiller is the absolute first book we read on our journey to creating a simpler life:-) NOTE: not everything in each book applied to us, but it is was still interesting to learn what others are doing! |
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Bills & Other Debt
Whether its the electric bill, the oil bill, or the water bill, we all pretty much need them for every day living. But why spend more money on them than necessary? There are several ways that to minimize what is spent on your basic bills every month and they don't require a lot of cash or any great sacrifices on your part. Why would you pay them money you could be keeping in your own wallet? Read more...
Whether its the electric bill, the oil bill, or the water bill, we all pretty much need them for every day living. But why spend more money on them than necessary? There are several ways that to minimize what is spent on your basic bills every month and they don't require a lot of cash or any great sacrifices on your part. Why would you pay them money you could be keeping in your own wallet? Read more...
There are many ways to save money, even if you don't make a lot. If you don't make a lot of money and struggle to meet your bills every month it is even more important to have a savings. Sounds easier said than done, but think again. There are many creative ways to save money that you will barely even notice, if you notice it at all. Read more...
There are many ways to save money, even if you don't make a lot. If you don't make a lot of money and struggle to meet your bills every month it is even more important to have a savings. Sounds easier said than done, but think again. There are many creative ways to save money that you will barely even notice, if you notice it at all. Read more...
There are a great many ways to save when shopping. Using coupons and buying in bulk when a grocery item is on sale; researching and waiting to purchase a large appliance or other item until it's on sale; knowing when to shop local or online, and when shopping online going through EBATES, using coupon codes and more. If you are not being a savvy shopper then you are just throwing money away. Stop throwing money away! Read more...
There are a great many ways to save when shopping. Using coupons and buying in bulk when a grocery item is on sale; researching and waiting to purchase a large appliance or other item until it's on sale; knowing when to shop local or online, and when shopping online going through EBATES, using coupon codes and more. If you are not being a savvy shopper then you are just throwing money away. Stop throwing money away! Read more...
Affordable Fun!
Fun doesn't need to be expensive! When our kids were smaller we definitely didn't have a lot of money but we found a lot of ways to have a whole lot of fun with them without breaking the piggy bank! Even if you have the money to buy expensive fun, its the simple inexpensive fun that really builds memories with your children. Check out the many ways to have fun and build memories Read more...
Fun doesn't need to be expensive! When our kids were smaller we definitely didn't have a lot of money but we found a lot of ways to have a whole lot of fun with them without breaking the piggy bank! Even if you have the money to buy expensive fun, its the simple inexpensive fun that really builds memories with your children. Check out the many ways to have fun and build memories Read more...