Growing onions is so simple. I kind of cheat by buying packages of 'seed' onions. These are tiny little onions you can just stick in the ground and they simply grow into bigger onions. Really super simple! I ended up with quite a few nice yellow onions this year despite the heat so I am quite happy, especially because last years crop completely died.
Anyway, the onions were recently ready so I went out and carefully removed them so the greens remained in-tact. Now they are ready for braiding! I look forward to eating them all winter long!
NOTE: we also harvested all our shallots and braided them for the winter too! I just love all the fresh onions, shallots and garlic! Check out the garlic post here!
If you have never tried growing your own onions, or shallots definitely give them a try in the spring next year!
For garlic it's actually time to plant them right now! Check out planting garlic here. Thanks for visiting! Sincerely,
Recently there was this great video on Facebook showing how to make a mason jar wall holder/rack. I shared that video as a post on our Facebook page only to have my daughter comment that she wanted one! Of course being the crafty person I am, I absolutely had to make it for her. I have to tell you, it was super simple, just like the video implied! Thank you to My Fabulous Lifestyle for originally sharing the video on Facebook!
There are a few differences between the one I made above and the video: they chose to paint it a 'distressed' white, I chose natural unfinished weathered wood. Supplies Needed:
Check out our other Do-it-yourself Posts and our Crafty Things, DIY Home Projects, or Repurposing Pinterest Pages!
Thanks for visiting!
It's that time of year again when I go back to teaching high school and lo and behold, I get sick. I guess you could call it my annual cold. Not only do the students inadvertently 'share' their illness', but the teachers do too! It is really inevitable. We can have up to 32 total students and teachers in a classroom with the door closed (by law) and a few windows open that rarely generate any breeze, especially if they open into a courtyard. We can bring in our own fans and sometimes, if we are really fortunate, we might get to teach in a room that has an air conditioner once or twice a day (most teachers move from room to room throughout the day). Just think about how many hands touch the knob on the door to the classroom with 9 periods a day in there and you can see why germs are so easily shared. And no matter how careful you are, they are in the air after every sneeze and cough too.
Ok, enough of that. We all know germs spread. But what can we do when we get a cold or the flu to help it go away faster and feel better sooner? It's already well known that these are viral and that antibiotics simply won't help. That leaves it up to you. It is pretty common knowledge to drink tea with lemon and honey, take hot steamy showers to help clear the sinus' and loosen up chest congestion, to keep the house at a cooler temperature, and to sleep in a semi-seated position to prevent post nasal drip. But what else can be done? After years of getting my 'annual' cold after returning to school in the fall I have come up with two tried and true remedies that I know help me, so hopefully they will help you too! Disclaimer: Always check with your doctor or healthcare professional before trying any new treatments or holistic medicines. Especially if you or your loved ones have pre-existing medical conditions.
1. Neti Pot - Clear your sinus' and fight infection!
2. Diffusers: Breathe better and purify the air!
Thanks for visiting!
I hope you found this post helpful and that if you have a cold or the flu it helps you to feel better! :-) Sincerely,
Hi there! I'm Kathie, the author behind Creating A Simpler Life blog. I'm excited to share our longterm projects (and planning) toward building our future retirement homestead in the Adirondack Mountains of New York. In the meantime I will be sharing all the other little things we do that are part of creating our simpler life!
July 2020