You need a place for the bean plants to grow. They can grow very high (up to 12’). Two methods that I have personally tried are the following:
Once you have the seeds and the poles or trellis, you can plant! We till the dirt along the bottom length of the pole design, mix in some sweet peat, and then plant one seed every three inches about a half-inch deep. Water every other day and reap the rewards in about 2 months!
Picking tip: Pick them when they are relatively small (3-4 inches long) – they taste better and they will actually produce more beans the more they are picked! At the end of the season, allow some beans to remain on the vine and grow larger. These will eventually be harvested to plant for next year. The longer they stay on the vine, the stronger the seeds will be for planting next year :-)
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Hi there! I'm Kathie, the author behind Creating A Simpler Life blog. I'm excited to share our longterm projects (and planning) toward building our future retirement homestead in the Adirondack Mountains of New York. In the meantime I will be sharing all the other little things we do that are part of creating our simpler life!
July 2020