I take a nap every single day. I just have to. My body wants it and needs it. Even a small 15 minute nap rejuvenates me so that I can get through the rest of my day! Taking a nap is good for you at any age and this post will share why!
Taking a nap is nothing new, People in other countries take naps too! After all, isn't that what a siesta is? According to the National Sleep Foundation, the siesta, or midday nap, goes back thousands of years and is still common in warmer countries where Spanish is spoken. However, they are also relatively common in other countries such as Italy (called a riposo), Greece, the Philippines, Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Nigeria. Apparently, the tradition began so that farmers could take a rest during the hottest time of the day, usually for about 2 hours. Even though this reason may no longer be necessary (for many of us anyway), a nap, or siesta, is still a good idea for many reasons!
Some interesting facts: Source: Note: These are taken word for word from the site above as changing them would not have made any sense!
I know that many people think that if you nap regularly you are either lazy or sick. Napping is usually only associated with babies, children, old people, or sick people after all. Right? Well, no, not right. There have been some very famous, and very significant people in history that were nappers! Here are just a few: Winston Churchill, Ronald Reagan, Albert Einstein, Napoleon, John F. Kennedy, and George W. Bush are all said to have taken afternoon naps regularly!
Moral of the story?
Take a nap every day! It should be obvious by now that it is good for you :-) Thanks for visiting! Check out more Health & Wellness here and please follow me on social media. Sincerely,
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Hi there! I'm Kathie, the author behind Creating A Simpler Life blog. I'm excited to share our longterm projects (and planning) toward building our future retirement homestead in the Adirondack Mountains of New York. In the meantime I will be sharing all the other little things we do that are part of creating our simpler life!
July 2020